Nobel Energy


Glensol and ENRX co-host Open Day to showcase critical technology

Glensol and ENRX co-host Open Day to showcase critical technology


Recently, Glensol, jointly with ENRX (formerly EFD), a global green technology company, hosted a technology Open Day event for its clients, at Glensol’s Your One Stop Shop workshop.  

为期两天的活动旨在庆祝Glensol和ENRX之间的新合作伙伴关系, 同时展示ENRX品牌技术——感应加热系统(加热解决方案)——广泛用于海上应用.

Anar Orujov, 格伦索尔副总经理在开幕致辞中说:“建立伙伴关系对我们来说是一项战略决策. While choosing our partners, we prioritize three fundamental aspects: capability, sustainability, and development of local competency, key factors for delivering our commitments at the highest possible quality. 

Our strategic partnership with ENRX is a good example to that.  ENRX凭借其在感应加热和其他绿色解决方案方面数十年的经验,帮助我们在更安全的环境中提供海上维护服务, cost-effective, quick, and most importantly sustainable manner. 

我们训练有素的工程师在危险区域使用感应加热设备, where open flame cannot be used, 在几秒钟内立即应用和分配热量,轻松安全地去除金属部件. Lastly, 我想借此机会感谢我们的合作伙伴公司在培训我们的当地专家以有效地使用这项先进技术方面给予的所有支持, a significant input to nationalization strategy.”

Scott Clive Donald, Business Development Executive, ENRX表示:“ENRX和Glensol将密切合作,为里海地区的所有客户提供服务. Glensol训练有素的工程师和ENRX合格的工程师可以轻松提供对行业至关重要的技术范围, including from shrink fitting, coating removal, and pre and post weld heat treatment (PWHT) all the way to bolt removal.

With both parties working together very closely now, 它将为客户提供一站式服务,为企业和行业带来更大范围的可持续性. And in that sense, 为期两天的活动取得了巨大的成功,因为它为客户提供了知识,并看到了我们的服务可以为他们和行业带来什么价值.”


Note to editors

Established in 2012, as a field operations and equipment maintenance subsidiary of Nobel Energy, Glensol一直是值得信赖的供应商,为本地和国际石油和天然气公司提供旋转设备, including turbomachinery services and controls, operation and maintenance services – to SOCAR, bp, and other major energy companies in the region and across the world.

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