Nobel Energy


Nobel Energy to develop solar power plant in Jabrayil

Nobel Energy to develop solar power plant in Jabrayil


联合开发的100兆瓦光伏太阳能发电厂将分两个阶段进行. The initial phase, comprising 50MW, is scheduled for completion by 2027, with the remaining capacity to be installed in subsequent years.

该电厂的目标是每年发电约1.8亿千瓦时, providing power to around 58,000 households. 工厂的建设阶段将雇佣600名员工, while its commissioning will lead to the creation of 80 permanent jobs.

Vugar Samadli, 皇冠体育app首席执行官表示:“我们很高兴有机会成为该地区绿色转型计划的一部分,这符合皇冠体育app为该地区及其他地区的低碳未来做出贡献的战略意图. With a focus on efficiency and safety, our skilled and tested team of engineers, designers, 而技术人员是任何规模太阳能发电项目成功实施的原动力." 

与Azerenerji商定并签署了一份概述一系列活动的定制技术协议, 是全国主要的电力生产和输电系统运营商. Additionally, 该项目地块已获得贾布拉伊勒区有关政府机构的批准.

Currently, the pertinent investment agreement, power purchase agreement, 和电网连接协议正在与阿塞拜疆能源部和Azerenerji联合制定. 

Note to editors

Nobel Energy Group, part of NEQSOL Holding, is an Integrated Energy Production, 发展和服务公司致力于为全球向可持续和低碳未来的转型做出贡献. By leveraging trusted expertise, integrated solutions, advanced technology, strategic partnerships, and a strong focus on innovation, 皇冠体育app将自己定位为在全球范围内交付复杂和可持续基础设施项目的可靠合作伙伴.